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Persons suspected of solved offences by Sex, Offence and Year

Table: Persons suspected of solved offences 2006-2023 by sex and offence


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Persons suspected of solved offences by Sex, Offence and Year

TotalTotal number of offences1,4331,5591,6641,5601,4821,3591,6531,8431,4791,5911,5211,3421,5211,413
Crimes against life and health189142144208134102171207125142173196135179
Sexual offences38157431151618181830254939
Offences against property214299438335306342345560382374347200353191
Traffic offences667837731730704653750507603588580638591617
Offences against the authorities and public peace61677511287738771771087667110141
Other offences against the penal code264199269171220174284480274361315216283246
MalesTotal number of offences1,1661,2381,3081,2171,1311,1011,3711,5061,2411,2531,2121,0151,2241,146
Crimes against life and health17111212517311282141178108113147147111144
Sexual offences38157431151614181830254939
Offences against property187245313250231297298518339314273147274146
Traffic offences518648579540510498588397473443428474487486
Offences against the authorities and public peace43596597735978616387634869116
Other offences against the penal code209159219153174150250338240278271174234215
FemalesTotal number of offences267321356343351258282337238338309327297267
Crimes against life and health1830193522203029172926492435
Sexual offences.....................4..................
Offences against property27541258575454742436074537945
Traffic offences149189152190194155162110130145152164104131
Offences against the authorities and public peace18810151414910142113194125
Other offences against the penal code55405018462434142348344424931

Saved query e34fa8d0-c990-4841-a6c5-e95ad9f23072
Fixed start time point and all newer time periods
Only offences against the penal code are included. No minor offenses are therefore included in these statistics.
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