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Total trade with commodoties by industry, year and trade direction

Table: Total trade with commodoties 2010-2017 by trade direction, industry and year


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Total trade with commodoties by industry, year and trade direction

ImportExportTrade balance
Agriculture, forestry and fishing......
Manufacturing, mining and quarrying......
Energy and water supply, sewerage and waste management......
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles285,899113,756-172,143
Transportation and storage......
Accommodation and food service activities......
Information and communication......
Financial and insurance activities......
Real estate activities......
Other services24,092....
Other actors21,7591,786-19,973

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1 most recent time periods
As of 2008, the industrial classification used in trade statistics complies with the revised statistical classification of economic activities, NACE Rev. 2 (NI-2008). Previously, an earlier revision of the industrial classification has been used (NI-2002). Because of this, sectoral comparisons with trade statistics published earlier than 2009 are not possible. In order to make comparisons possible, statistics for the years 2004-2007 have been revised in compliance with the current industrial classification (NI-2008). Please note that the corporations included in the statistics for the years 2004-2007 may have changed industries or municipal locations or even closed down since the original publication. In the revised statistics, the corporations are classified based on their principal activities on December 31, 2007. The trade statistics contain data that, due to privacy reasons, are kept confidential. As a result of this, it is not always possible to calculate the total sum by adding the sums of the different industries. A further description of the trade statistics can be found in the (Swedish) publication 'Varuhandelsstatistik 2010-2011 (Handel 2012:1)'.
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