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Number of establishments by size categories of personnel, industry and year

Table: Number of establishments 2008-2024 by year, size categories of personnel and industry (NI2008)


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Number of establishments by size categories of personnel, industry and year

0-4 persons554562573582548565552538549520537531520547565524486
5-9 persons5660626073625654565863585448566255
10-19 persons2524222523223232293231323435242630
20-49 persons1010121414131716171215141516121211
50-99 persons22212311111210011
100-249 persons00000000000000000
250-499 persons00000000000000000
500-999 persons00000000000000000
Over 1000 persons00000000000000000

Saved query a56e2857-2607-4f68-801f-fde0f044c80d
1 most recent time periods
As the industrial classification was updated in 2008, the industrial data is not entirely comparable with previously published figures. The data were revised in 2021 since a few of the workplaces were previously classified according to the company's industry code, and not the workplace's
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