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Share of all enterprises in Åland that belong in a group (per cent) by year, industry and information

Table: Share of all enterprises in Åland that belong in a group (per cent) 2009-2022 by year, industry and information


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Share of all enterprises in Åland that belong in a group (per cent) by year, industry and information

 Share of all enterprisesShare of all personnelShare of all turnover
A Agriculture, forestry and fishing---
B Mining and quarrying---
C Manufacturing11.062.569.8
D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply-40.129.5
E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities-67.167.4
F Construction1.46.010.3
G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles8.235.448.8
H Transportation and storage15.688.292.3
I Accommodation and food service activities1.213.411.8
J Information and communication7.564.654.3
K Financial and insurance activities15.585.7-
L Real estate activities7.043.638.4
M Professional, scientific and technical activities1.94.98.7
N Administrative and support service activities0.5-1.8
O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security100.0--
P Education---
Q Human health and social work activities1.622.821.2
R Arts, entertainment and recreation2.472.590.9
S Other service activities0.519.816.6
T Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods- and services-producing activities of households for own use---
U Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies---
X Industry unknown---

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1 most recent time periods
Information on the Åland Group's corporate structures contains
information on all parent, subsidiary and associated companies when the
parent company's home municipality is located in Åland. In cases where
the parent company's home municipality is outside Åland, information
about the parent company and the Åland subsidiaries (companies in which
another company holds more than 50 per cent of the votes) and the
associated companies (including associated companies in the Group
register includes a company in which another institutional unit has
voting rights of 10-50 percent, either directly or indirectly). The
Group Register has been supplemented manually, where especially
associated companies have been missing to varying degrees.
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