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Students outside Åland, Total, Total by year, field of education and sex

Table: Students outside Åland 2017-2023 by level of education, field of education, country of school and sex


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Students outside Åland, Total, Total by year, field of education and sex

Arts, humanities19512570
Social sciences, journalism, information22012694
Business, administration, law20311588
Natural sciences, mathematics, statistics633627
Information and communication technologies542034
Engineering, manufacturing and construction16430134
Health and welfare22920128

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1 most recent time periods
From 2017, the revised classification of fields of education ISCED–F 2013 is used.
The figures for 2000–2016 have been revised in accordance with the new classification, where the previous field Business and politics was split into two fields; Social sciences, journalism and information as well as Business, administration and law.
Moreover, the field Information and communication technologies was added.
All fields of education:
0 Generic
1 Education
2 Arts and humanities
Social sciences, journalism and information
4 Business, administration and law
5 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics
6 Information and communication technologies
7 Engineering, manufacturing and construction
8 Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary
9 Health and welfare
10 Serrvices
99 Other or unknown
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