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ÅSUB's statistical databases (PxWeb)
Tourism, transports and shipping
Transport and communications
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Agriculture and fishing
Consumer price index
Education and culture
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Environment and energy
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Labour market
National accounts
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Tourism, transports and shipping
Transport and communications
Number of registered vehicles by residence of the owner 2018-2024 by year, municipality and type of vehicle
Archipelago ferry service 1980-2023 by ferry line, year and passengers/vehicles
Number of issued driver's licences 2011-2024
Road traffic accidents in Åland 2009-2023 by municipality
Collision with animals 2009-2023 by municipality
Road traffic accidents in Åland 2009-2023 by month
Road traffic accidents in Åland 2009-2023 by type of accident
People involved in accidents 2009-2023 by type of vehicle
People involved in accidents 2009-2023 by sex and age group
Road traffic accidents 2000-2023 by year, region and severity
Road traffic accidents 2017-2024 by year, quarter and information
Bus transports 2004-2023 by year and line
Development of vehicle stock 1962-2024 by year and type of vehicle
Distribution of vehicles by first year of use, year and type of vehicle 2018-2024
Traffic at Mariehamn airport 1985-2024 by year, information and type of traffic
Number of driving licences registered in Åland by year and residence, sex and age of the licence holder 2001-2024
Arrived vessels by port of destination, year and number and net tonnage 1988-2024 and