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ÅSUB's statistical databases (PxWeb)
National accounts
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Agriculture and fishing
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National accounts
Households' average consumption year 2006 by commodity group and major region
Households' average consumption year 2006 by commodity group and age group
Households' average consumption year 2006 by commodity group and level of education
Households' average consumption year 2006 by commodity group and socio-economic group
Households' average consumption year 2006 by commodity group and type of household
Households' average consumption year 2006 by commodity group and type of house
Households' average consumption outside Åland year 2006 by commodity group and region
Households' average consumption through Internet and mail order year 2006 by rank/commodity group
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and age of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and gender of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and socio economic grouping of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and educational level of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and type of building
Average consumption of households in year 2012 by commodity group and family type
Average consumption of households in year 2016 by commodity group and age category of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2016 by commodity group and gender of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2016 by commodity group and socio economic grouping of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2016 by commodity group and educational level of the reference person
Average consumption of households in year 2016 by Commodity group and Type of building
Average consumption of households in year 2016 by commodity group and family type
003 -- Household consumption expenditure by major region 1985-2016 (NUTS2)
Average consumption expenditure of households 2022 by Commodity group and Age category of the reference person
Average consumption expenditure of households 2022 by Commodity group and Gender of the reference person
Average consumption expenditure of households 2022 by Commodity group and Socio economic grouping of the reference person
Average consumption expenditure of households 2022 by Commodity group and Education of the reference person
Average consumption expenditure of households 2022 by Commodity group and Type of building
Average consumption expenditure of households 2022 by Commodity group and Household type
Gross domestic product
Social Accounting Matrices
x Closed time series
Public finance
Social welfare
Tourism, transports and shipping