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ÅSUB's statistical databases (PxWeb)
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Agriculture and fishing
Consumer price index
Education and culture
Enterprises and trade
Environment and energy
Housing and construction
Income and taxes
Closed time series
Average monthly earnings of full-time employees in the private sector 2008-2022, month of September (NI2008) by year, industry, occupational group, income type and sex
Average monthly earnings of full-time employees in the private sector 2010-2022, month of September (ISCO-2010) by year, occupational group, income type and sex
Average monthly earnings of full-time employees in the Åland Government 2010-2023, month of October (ISCO-2010) by year, occupational group, income type and sex
Average monthly earnings of full-time employees in the municipal sector 2010-2023, month of October (ISCO-2010) by year, occupational group, income type and sex
Average monthly earnings of full-time employees in the government sector 2010-2023, month of October (ISCO-2010) by year, occupational group, income type and sex
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2000-2015 by year, crew category, sex, variable and industry
Average monthly earnings of shipping crew 2016-2023 by year, crew category, sex, variable and industry
Monthly wages and salaries by year 2015-2023, sector, sex and information by year, sector, sex and information
Labour market
National accounts
Public finance
Social welfare
Tourism, transports and shipping