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ÅSUB's statistical databases (PxWeb)
Population changes
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Agriculture and fishing
Consumer price index
Education and culture
Enterprises and trade
Environment and energy
Housing and construction
Labour market
National accounts
Families and households
Population changes
Live births 1991-2023 by sex, year, municipality and age of mother
Births and deaths 1921-2023
Population changes, Åland 1971-2023 by population changes and year
Deaths 2003-2023 by sex, year and age
Population changes 1980-2023 by municipality, type of change and year
Deaths 1991-2023 by sex, year, municipality and age group
Deaths 1999-2022 by year, sex, causes of death and age
Migration 1987-2023 by country, type of migration and year
Migration 2003-2023 by type of migration, municipality, year and age group
Migration 2003-2023 by type of migration, country, age group and year
Migration 2000-2023 by type of migration, country, municipality and year
Migration in the municipalities 2003-2023 by municipality of emigration, year and municipality of immigration
Migration in the economic regions 2003-2023
Migration 2012-2023 by year, country of birth, country, type of migration and sex
Migration 2012-2023 by year, country of birth, age, country and type of migration
Population change 1990-2024 by year, quarter and type of change
Population changes per 1 000 inhabitants 1980-2022 by municipality, type of change and year
Population projections
Size and structure of the population
Public finance
Social welfare
Tourism, transports and shipping