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ÅSUB's statistical databases (PxWeb)
Size and structure of the population
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Agriculture and fishing
Consumer price index
Education and culture
Enterprises and trade
Environment and energy
Housing and construction
Labour market
National accounts
Families and households
Population changes
Population projections
Size and structure of the population
Population 31.12.1997-2023 by year, age, municipality and sex
Population 1910-2023 by municipality and year
Population 31.12.2000-2023 by year, age, language and sex
Population 31.12.1999-31.12.2023 by year, sex, age and country of birth
Population 31.12.2001-31.12.2023 by year, sex, age and citizenship
Population 31.12.2000-2023 by year, municipality and country of birth
Population 31.12.2000-2023 by year, municipality and language
Population 1999-2023 by sex, age, and marital status
Population 1999-2023 by country of birth, year and sex
Population 1999-2023 by country of birth, citizenship, year and sex
Population 1999-2023 by country of birth, language, year and sex
Population 1999-2023 by municipality, village, year and sex
Population 1999-2023 by municipality, village, year and place of birth
Population 1999-2023 by municipality, citizenship and year
Average age of the population 1975-2023 by year, municipality and sex
Population by municipality, year and month 2006-2024, preliminary figures
Individuals holding regional citizenship of Åland by residence, sex and age 2000-2023
Public finance
Social welfare
Tourism, transports and shipping