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ÅSUB's statistical databases (PxWeb)
Labour market
Employed persons
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Agriculture and fishing
Consumer price index
Education and culture
Enterprises and trade
Environment and energy
Housing and construction
Labour market
Employed labour force in area (workplaces)
Employed persons
Employed labour force 2007-2022 (NI2008) by year, municipality, industry, sex and age group
Employed labour force (NI2008) 2007-2022 by year, municipality, industry (detailed), age group and sex
Employed labour force 2016-2022 (NI2008) by year, sex, municipality, level of education, field of education and industry
Employed labour force 2007-2022 (NI2008) by industry and year
Employed labour force 1960-2022 (NI2008) by year, municipality, industry, sex and age group
Employed labour force 1987-2022 by municipality, sex and year
Working population by region 1880-2022, year and industry
Commuting within Finland 2011-2022 by municipality of residence, municipality of the workplace and industry
Population by main type of activity
x Closed time series
National accounts
Public finance
Social welfare
Tourism, transports and shipping