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Labour force participation, employment, unemployment and not in labour force rates, % 2008-2022 by year, sex, age group and variabel

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This table contains official statistics on Åland, published by ÅSUB or Statistics Finland. As of 2019, there have been changes in the production of the material as the Incomes Register is now an essential source. Among other things, the Incomes Register provides more detailed information about the employed persons, which has, for example, resulted in students working part-time now being classified as “students” (formerly “employed”). This has resulted in a reduction in the number of people employed in Åland. The employment statistics are based on data that Statistics Finland produces by linking different registers, e.g. register of taxation. Because the statistics are register-based, it also means that the distribution of people by industry is determined on the basis of where you are employed and from where you get your main income and not e.g. based on what you state on a questionnaire. Due to access to more detailed register data from 2013 onwards, it has become possible to keep more comprehensive statistics on the industry 'T Activities of households as employers', these people were in previous years mainly in the industry 'X Industry unknown'. Employed labor describes people who are employed and live in Åland. In the area working also includes people who work but do not live in Åland, e.g. on ships registered in Åland. The entire workforce means people between the ages of 15 and 74 who are available for the labor market (eg employed and unemployed).